I’m excited to announce that we’ve launched the beta of our website, www.allseniorhomes.com!
Many people contributed in one way or another to the development of the site. From advice, to input, to agreeing to be interviewed, Jay and I appreciate all the help and support. Thank you (you know who you are).
What we launched: The beta site has most of the functionality we’ll be building. The navigation and search features are mostly complete and the overall look and feel of the site is mature. The back-end infrastructure to run the site and manage content is mostly finished. It’s as if we’ve built the house and now just need to add carpet, paint and move the furniture in.
![Welcome to All Senior Homes All Senior Homes beta launch]()
All Senior Homes beta launch
![Welcome to All Senior Homes All Senior Homes beta launch](http://www.seniorhomes.com//img_wp/2009/03/istock_000005131739xsmall-300x199.jpg)
All Senior Homes beta launch
What is missing:
- Placeholder Articles: Many of the articles are not posted yet. We are working hard to get these up as soon as we can. So please ignore the placeholders.
- Empty Navigation Panes: Because we haven’t yet posted most of our articles, you will notice many empty navigational panes such as the “Assisted Living Center” or the “Senior Resources”. Eventually these will be filled with links to articles related to the appropriate category of care for the page you are on.
- Listings: Our listings are far from complete. Over the next few months we expect to add many more listings (some categories of care, such as home care, are completely empty), re-categorize some listings, and add more data to the current listings.
- Featured Homes: We will have a page devoted to our featured listings where you can find a depth of information about the home, including the services offered, costs, pictures, floor plans, etc. These pages are not up yet, but will be at launch.
How you can help: We’d love your feedback! The beta is meant to test out the navigation, features, and look and feel of the site. Any feedback you have is appreciated. If you’d like some specific areas to test here are some areas we’d like input on:
- “Find” feature: In the upper left corner of just about every page, you’ll see a “Find” box where you can select a category of care and location. Can you use this? Is doing a search intuitive? Do you get what you expect?
- Navigation: On the top and bottom of the page are links to get to other pages. What do you think of these? Is it easy to get around the site to find what you are looking for?
- General look & feel: Is the tone of the site right? Are there rough edges anywhere?
How to provide input: If you have any input please Click here and fill out the form that comes up
What’s next: We expect to run the beta for several weeks as we work out the kinks, add missing articles, clean up our listings, and add the featured pages. We hope to do a full launch of the site some time this Spring.
Thanks again for all your help and we look forward to any input you have!